Monday, March 19, 2012

Sonoma Nail Art presents Sonoma Sunset

I am so excited to show off one of the polishes in my upcoming line of Sonoma County themed nail polishes: Sonoma Sunset! This is a lavender, pink, blue, and purple glittery lacquer that reminds me of the dusty purple sunsets in Sonoma County.

I am really happy with how this polish turned out! There is a bit of a blue/purple shimmer in the base of the polish besides being packed with lots of beautiful glitter.

I started with a base of OPI Dutch Ya Just Love OPI? Pardon the messiness of this pic, I wanted to top it with my glitter polish before cleaning everything up.

I topped the OPI shade with one coat of Sonoma Sunset, and then sealed everything with two coats of Seche Vite. 

Here's a shot of my nails outdoors. The colors really blend together to create an interesting overall lavender hue. And it is really packed with glitter, so you just need one coat for great coverage.

Closeup of my thumbnail. You can see the shimmery blue/purple base which ties all of the colors of glitter together. 

And here is a shot of the bottle. I will be selling this as part of my Sonoma Nail Art polish collection. I will start selling at a local shop in Healdsburg (I'll tell you exactly where soon), and also sell them online on etsy. I plan on opening my etsy shop in May or June. In the meantime, keep an eye out for previews of the other polishes in the Sonoma Nail Art collection. I will probably do a big giveaway to celebrate the opening of my etsy store, yay! I'd love to hear what you think of this polish.


  1. wow! that is awesome for just one coat of glitter!

    1. Thank you Marsha! I really wanted it to be a one coater and look good over another polish without having to deal with multiple coats.

  2. The only thing I think I'd enjoy more than this Sonoma Sunset polish you created is to be with you looking at the beautiful Sonoma Sunset while wearing the polish and having some wine! Or maybe even eating one of your cute bento box creations!

    1. Awww, thanks Laurie! You know you have an open invite to come visit me whenever you want! I know all the good places.

  3. Very pretty glitter combination :)

    1. Thank you starification! I think I found the right balance. :)

  4. Looks lovely! I can't wait to see what else you've come up with!

    1. Thanks so much Rach! I have some other ones I am really excited about. Eeeee!

  5. whoa so beautiful! (:
    and good luck with the etsy shop! :D

    1. Thank you tamuril! I can't wait to open my shop, but I am kind of nervous about it too. :)

  6. Replies
    1. Thank you! I will be sure to let you guys know in advance when I will be opening up my etsy shop.

  7. It looks great! Can't wait for the other ones. (;

    1. Thanks Lyciènne! I will start to share them with you here in the next couple of weeks.

  8. Oh. My. God. Too gorgeous for words - if your polishes are half as good as this, and half as tasteful as your nail designs ... hummana mummana !!! xxxx

    1. Thank you thank you Deb! That is very kind. I am excited about the others I have ready. I will probably open my shop with 4 or 5 different polishes. I'm so stoked!

  9. I love reading this blog! I've recently started doing some of my own nail art tutorials alongside my usual fashion posts! I'm following you also!

    check it out here..

  10. Ohhhhhh, drool! Can't wait until you open your shop.

    1. Thanks so much Leisel! I hope that I will have a nice collection of polishes so that there will be something for everyone to enjoy. :)

  11. Replies
    1. Thanks A Girl and Her Polish! I am really taken with this combo of glitter. :)

  12. This is so stunning!! I love that glitter and I want it! :D

    1. Thanks Ashesela. This glitter combination is so pretty!

  13. this is truly beautiful and one coat! wow! i dont think i can wait til may!

    1. Thanks Gnarly Gnails! I can't wait to open my etsy store! I am a little nervous, but I know it will be really fun and a great challenge. :)
