Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Broke A Nail

I am sure this had happened to you. One nail breaks and you have to file it down to a little nubbin. And then you have to worry about the other nails: do they have to go, too? What did THEY do to deserve THIS?! After my index nail broke this week I decided, no! No, I will not file them all down. Instead, I will put a band-aid on it until it gets better.

There there, you'll be back to your old self soon, little guy.

I started with a base of Zoya Wednesday, a dusty turquoise. This is a hard color to photograph as it likes to turn my hands into lobster colored claws. This is the best true-to-color shot I could get.

I painted a little band-aid on my index finger using acrylic paints, then topcoated with Seche Vite. Now it is time to take my vitamins and get that nail to grow out! 


  1. I hate it when that happens! I always wind up chopping them all off, or taking the rest down halfway to try and meet in the middle. Your fix is a lot more fun. :)

    1. Ha ha, thanks Rachel. Yeah, I was heart broken about taking them all down to nubbins. I like this better.

  2. Replies
    1. :D cool how I happened to have that little band-aid on hand, huh? Get it, on HAND. LOL

  3. Aww look at the pour thing! I love your band-aid sooo cute.

  4. poor booboo, lol, I try not to cut them all but after about a week i usually cave.

    1. Yeah, I will probably shorten them to even them up in a few days. OCD will kick in then, gotta have the same length! LOL

  5. Aww I just had my index nail break too. I hate when that happens. I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the bandaid though!!!

    1. Thank you so much turtlechick12! We are Sisters in Index Nail Breakage. Yo.

  6. This is suuuper cute, I love it!!

  7. That's a really cute solution! <3
    Happens to me all the time. :( I have 1 nail that keeps snagging and breaking. Always makes me sad.

  8. Aww that's so adorable! I absolutely love it!

  9. This is so awesome. I have actually worn a real band-aid on my broker nail finger before to avoid cutting all my other nails.

  10. Oh! Awesome Band Aid you've made. I hate going around being worried about breaking another nail. I usually cut the whole bunch down when it happens.

  11. Oh dear, thats no good! The band-aid is a nice little touch though! I have a BAD rip in my thumb nail deep enough to where it stings. I told it NO! I'm not cutting you down! So I doused it in nail glue. It's holding up pretty good so far.

  12. Hahaha aww that is so freaking adorable!! That happened to me just last night on my left hand thumb, which sucks cause that's the hand I photograph for my blog and stuff! :p

  13. OMGosh that is the cutest fix EVER! Ok so now you are going to have to put up a video tutorial to show how this was done...I mean seriously!!

  14. Haha that concept is sooo adorable <3

  15. Oh my god, that is precious. I have a broken index nail right now. I just might copy this!

  16. That is sooo cute! :) Might just try that out!
    Followed you, loving your artsy designs and I need some inspiration!
    Artistically Curious

  17. This is brilliant! I included it in my recent "Fun Finds" post! :)

